Sunday, February 26, 2012

Off to Catarman and Beyond

The 3:00 a.m. wake-up call came all too soon - God Bless Starbucks' VIA. This early start was necessary in order for our large group to repack, check-out, load-up and head-off to the airport for our 7:00 a.m. flight to Samar - one of the country's 7,000 islands. Our cumbersome airport check-in provided an opportunity to become better acquainted with our teammates and to find real coffee for those who failed to pack plenty of VIA for the trip.

After an hour-long flight, we landed in Catarman, the capital and largest town in the province of Northern Samar. A grateful crowd of Rotarians and citizens greeted us at the airport with smiles and banners.

We were immediately transported from the airport to Rotary Club President Joe Lim's Sugbaan restaurant where we were treated to a warm welcome, hot breakfast, and an even hotter karaoke performance.

During the morning we were briefly joined by well-known journalist Ramon Tulfo. Both popular and controversial, Tulfo is a TV host, radio broadcaster and columnist for the Philippine Inquirer. He also has a foundation. Tulfo was in town to explore an economic development proposal to build plants to process coconut water into a base for drinks. Judging by his colorful stories and Filipino groupies, it was clear we were in the presence of a rock star.


  1. 7,000 islands!? I had no idea! I also didn't realize how close The Philippines is to Malaysia (so far south). It seems like such a process getting all of your people and your gear to your final destination. Can't wait to hear the next chapter!

  2. By the looks of your reception, I think you were giving Ramon Tulfo a run for his money in terms of celebrity status!
