Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Real Blast at the Watsons!


Rocky and Mary Watson know a thing or two about showing guests a blast - figuratively and literally.  Rocky's collection of artillery and weaponry often becomes the centerpiece of entertainment at their terrific parties.  The price of admission?  A bowling ball....the perfect ammunition for his vintage canons.

One never turns down an invitation to the Watsons where you are guaranteed a great gathering of people and a fabulous buffet that never seems to end.  Tom and I wisely brought our appetites and our earplugs.

Throughout the afternoon, Rocky fired up his canons and shot our hostess gifts up in the air and off into the distance.  What a fire-up!

Centuries from now, archaeologists will excavate and study the beautiful ravine behind the Watson home.  And they will wonder what the hell all those bowling balls are doing there.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

ZZ Top!

August 2012

We were the lucky recipients of  ZZ Top tickets that our friends the Jacklins couldn't use, so off we went to Northern Quest Casino.  Rock and Roll Hall of Famer ZZ Top has been performing for over four decades, and the members sound (and arguably look) the same as they did when they formed in 1969.  





Pre-concert people-watching was entertaining...


Not sure which  song drove the crazy crowd crazier - "Tush" or "La Grange." Fabulous concert!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Circle of Aura

August 2012

For years we have encouraged our extended family to come to North Idaho and vacation on Hayden Lake.  In fact, we bought the cabin next to our lake home largely to entice visitors.  This summer our nephew accepted the invitation and drove his family from Sacramento to vacation at the Little Lake Place.  Joe also happens to be our Godson, so we were thrilled to host him, his wife Siam and 2-year old daughter Austyn.  It suddenly became a week-long party when our niece Lauren flew in from Illinois!

On the Agenda...

Riding the Trail of the Hiawatha...





 Sharing meals on the deck...








 and fishing off the dock.  

But clearly, the most important event of the entire week was inducting Austyn into The Circle of Aura.  This is no small honor - as any respectable female Breckenfelder descendant will freely admit.  And after a few days of getting to know our great niece, Austyn was clearly Aura material!

Upon receiving her Fairy Name, Austyn's induction continued with a ceremonial trek through the Fairy Walk.  Sharp as a tack, she quickly discovered lots of hidden fairies and graced them with magical fairy dust.  

Austyn Enters The Circle of Aura!