Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Real Blast at the Watsons!


Rocky and Mary Watson know a thing or two about showing guests a blast - figuratively and literally.  Rocky's collection of artillery and weaponry often becomes the centerpiece of entertainment at their terrific parties.  The price of admission?  A bowling ball....the perfect ammunition for his vintage canons.

One never turns down an invitation to the Watsons where you are guaranteed a great gathering of people and a fabulous buffet that never seems to end.  Tom and I wisely brought our appetites and our earplugs.

Throughout the afternoon, Rocky fired up his canons and shot our hostess gifts up in the air and off into the distance.  What a fire-up!

Centuries from now, archaeologists will excavate and study the beautiful ravine behind the Watson home.  And they will wonder what the hell all those bowling balls are doing there.

1 comment:

  1. Looks and SOUNDS like a lot of fun! After hearing the recaps from various explosive outings to the Watson home, it was great to see some visuals. Time for a cannon out at the lake place?
