Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Black Friday - Literally and Otherwise

With barely 5 hours of daylight, most of the day after Thanksgiving in Alaska IS black. So at 9:00 am - in the dark - we participated in one Black Friday holiday sale. We made a beeline to the door of The Great Alaskan Bowl Company where the first 20 shoppers received bonus shopping dollars.

This factory is well-known for beautifully crafting clear, knotty and arc bowls from the Alaskan Birch tree. This family-run business has a proud history of making one-piece bowls using equipment designed from machinery developed over 100 years ago. While the products are worth the hefty prices they charge, we were relieved to take advantage of their Black Friday sales and also put our bonus shopping dollars toward some Christmas gifts.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool! Supporting local, handmade crafts AND couponing. It doesn't get much better than that!
