Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Hound dog Arney and I thoroughly enjoyed yesterday's Honeysuckle Beach outing and our encounter with the beachcombing-treasure hunter. Beautiful day, good exercise, and a happy dog doing what he loves best - retrieving anything thrown into the water. After hearing about our adventure, Tom immediately commented, "You know it's illegal to take dogs to Honeysuckle Beach, and it's posted."

What? Are you kidding me? This is a public place that should be enjoyed by everyone, so naturally I didn't believe Tom until Arney and I returned the next day.

Looks like we'll be heading to the Dike Road from this point - where all critters are welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Arney is just a daredevil... Always using his good looks to see what he can get away with- like a rebel without a cause!
