Saturday, March 17, 2012

Pecking Order

Every morning roosters begin a non-stop chorus of crowing from 2:00 on. And on and on. With a rooster in every yard, there is absolutely no need for a snooze button, let alone an alarm clock. Perhaps this is why cock fighting is alive and well in the Philippines.

Illegal in the United States, this blood sport between two roosters is a popular Sunday gambling activity among Filipinos. It seemed only fitting that my day off from cleaning bloody medical instruments should include watching a bloody cock fight.

The bird competitors are bred for increased stamina and strength and conditioned like professional athletes.

Sharp 4-inch steel razor blades are attached to the roosters' legs, and then the birds are revved up to fight.

The event takes place in an arena with a cockpit. The betting is fast and furious before the bell rings and the fighting begins.

The cocks that don't die are treated by an on-site bird doctor so they can live to fight another day.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Don't let PETA see this blog post. This is a pretty fascinating cultural blood sport, but I am not sure if I would make routine recreation out of it. I bet it revved you up for the highly anticipated Hunger Games release!
